
From the remote Far North Queensland bush, across the oceans to our customers.

Huntore is genuinely committed to unlocking critical minerals in an ethical, sustainable and environmentally responsible manner. Entrusted with responsible mining in the beautiful tropical Australian bushland, we are surrounded by nature at work.

Our emphasis on the health and safety of our extended team, is a given, not simply a priority. It is the way we work.

As we strive to complete the full development of our mine and infrastructure commissioning in 2024, we are actively working with our Landowner Pastoralists, Traditional Owners, State Mining Regulators and the Local Council, to not only meet all obligations, but to go above and beyond in our environmental, social and governance (ESG) journey.

Huntore has partnered with Digbee to develop and implement in 2024, our ESG program designed for our environmental location and operating environment.

Digbee is a leading independent assessment platform for ESG disclosure in the global mining industry. Our reports will provide a comprehensive assessment of our progress towards ESG targets that protect our environment and benefit our community and broader stakeholders.


Environmentally we are actively working towards a decarbonized future and commitment to best-in-class environmental responsibility. Our operating location reinforces the importance of responsible environmental management and protection, our practices include:

  • Active land care with our Pastoralists

  • Flora & fauna protection

  • Water management and monitoring

  • Rehabilitation of ground disturbance

  • Waste management processes

  • Chemical and reagent free processing plant

  • Future planning for water course re-establishment and nature preserve areas

  • Commitment to effective rehabilitation processes

  • Accountability and systems to manage our impact

Huntore is constructing a mine with a priority focus on renewable energy, by way of our primary mains power being Wind generated and extensive Solar Power sources installed.


At Huntore we understand the impact that we can have in the region. We offer diversity and inclusion through the development of our team primary sourced from the local community to ensure a long term, sustainable local economy, with structured, transferable skills training and development programs.

Our strengthening relationships with our Traditional Owners, Pastoralists, Local Government, local community, Government Regulators and our neighbors, is a truly rewarding aspect of our role.

We contribute to the community by way of:

  • Providing a safe working environment

  • Local employment preference

  • Above award wages

  • Inclusivity

  • Commitment to local suppliers

  • Strong relationships with Council and Pastoralists

  • Positive relationships with the State Regulators from both the Mining and Environmental inspectorates

  • Supporting Females in the Senior Leadership Team

  • Service to community including support and volunteer work for emergency services

  • Community donations

  • Gender and Racial Diversity

  • Labor standards

The recent multiple natural disasters of bushfires, cyclones and major flooding, ensured we all worked together as a community to support each other.


Our management team is >40% female, with an objective to reinforce this further at the Board of Directors level. Our Directors are actively supportive, intimate with the mine location and our challenges to develop an ethical and sustainable contribution to our immediate stakeholders and to Australia.

Continual refinement of our governance practices has proven to be a seamless process. Our future objectives include the formalization of additional value adding company policies, practices and disclosure reporting to our external stakeholders.

We ensure governance by:

  • Internal audits

  • Third party audits

  • Inspections

  • Policy and Procedures

  • Following and understanding of standards, guidelines and regulations

  • Actively seeking guidance form the Inspectorates.

  • Ensuring transparency and best practice

  • Internal controls, practices and procedures

  • Compliance strategy

  • Dialogue with regulators

  • Transparent reporting

Our medium term ESG objectives will be shared shortly following the initial assessment phase completion and report publication. Huntore’s focus areas will remain centered on:

  • Environment – partnering with our Traditional Owners and Pastoralists for responsible “caring for country”

  • Governance – transparency, people focused and “doing the right thing”

  • Water – Use and manage water responsibly

  • People – Foster a company culture that is accessible, inclusive and safe

  • Communities – contribute and adding long term value

In order to achieve these objectives, we encourage practical innovation, and invest in technologies and improvement processes that help reduce environmental impacts and generate long-term growth. We strive towards the highest standards of operational efficiency.